The emergency lighting power converter is a simple radiation hard topology for low power emergency escape lighting in radioactive environments.
Learn more:
- CERN bulletin article:
- Paper with detailed description of testing carried out:
For higher power applications, such as conventional lighting of accelerator tunnels, please see this project:
Advantages & Applications
Low power (<7W) AC/DC converter suitable for LED emergency lighting applications. Suitable for radiation doses up to 1 kGy in the current form, with potential for extension up to 10 kGy with component substitution.
- Input Voltage: 230V AC RMS
- Voltage Tolerance: +/-10%
- Input Frequency: 50Hz
- Frequency Tolerance: +/- 0.5Hz
- Maximum power: 7W (measured at input terminals)
- Voltage Output: As LED requirements
- Current Output: As LED requirements
- Earthing Regime: IT
- Relevant standards to be observed: IEC 61000-3-2, EN 55015, EN
- 50082-1, EN 50082-2
Released under the CERN Open Hardware License. Full details of the design can be found at the link above.