Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

CERN and EUROfusion work together on nuclear fusion | Swisstrade

(Switzerland | English) CERN and EUROfusion plan to jointly create a centre of excellence for...

CERN et la lutte contre le cancer | Léman Bleu

(Switzerland| French) La Genève scientifique est internationale et la recherche fondamentale ne fait...

Fabiola Gianotti, lauréate du Prix 2024 de la Fondation pour Genève

(Switzerland | French) La Fondation pour Genève a choisi de remettre son 30e prix à Madame Fabiola...

La physique des particules est au cœur de nombreuses avancées médicales contre le cancer

(Switzerland| French) La collaboration entre le CERN – dont la directrice générale Fabiola Gianotti...

Le Monde de Demain - CERN, transfert de technologie et spin off | Leman Bleu

Le CERN nous ouvre les portes de la recherche fondamentale mise au service de technologies...

German scientists aim to make ion radiotherapy more precise with new imaging solution | HealthCareBusiness

What does treating a tumor inside the head and searching for subatomic particles have in common...

CERN identifies potential 17.4% energy savings to meet initiative goal | Control Design

Joint-partnership analysis with ABB helps the particle-physics institute find opportunities to cut...

CERN QTI: Harnessing big science to accelerate quantum innovation | Physics World

CERN.QTI is designed to enhance innovation between the physics and the quantum...

Deeptech startup founders can now apply to use CERN’s world-famous technologies

(France | English) The birthplace of the World Wide Web is looking for the next transformative...