Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

Revolution in Healthcare: How robotics, virtual reality and artificial intelligence are improving the profession | Bilan

(Switzerland / English) Bilan, in partnership with BioAlps, publishes every two years the Technology...

CERN is developing an accelerator for cancer treatment | RTRS

(Russia / Russian) Европска организација за нуклеарна истраживања (ЦЕРН) довршила је први модул...

CERN's COVID-19 Testimonial | BioAlps

(Switzerland / English) The following article is part of BioAlps’ testimonial series and was written...

Particle accelerators and fight against cancer: FLASH radiotherapy | Le Scienze

(Italy / Italian) Il CERN di Ginevra e l'Ospedale universitario di Losanna hanno progettato un nuovo...

With a small help from CERN, a painting has been attributed to Raphaël | Le Temps

(Switzerland / French) Un scanner aux rayons X basé sur une technologie initialement développée pour...

New report shows benefits to the UK of CERN membership | Science and Technology Facilities Council

(United Kingdom / English) Commissioned by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)...

What is Knowledge Transfer? | WPT

(Poland / Polish) How do Big Science organisations, and especially CERN, undertake knowledge...

CERN, the big brother of the Einstein Telescope | 1Limburg

(Netherland / Dutch) At CERN, Han Dols is responsible for bringing innovations to the market, new...

White Rabbit, a CERN-born technology, sets a new global standard | Tech Xplore

(English) White Rabbit (WR) is a technology developed at CERN to provide the LHC accelerator chain...