Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

CERN reveals itself to the world | Le Temps

(Switzerland / French) Le centre européen de recherche en physique des particules, qui a donné...

How the CERN physics lab is supercharging European startups | Sifted

(English) The world's biggest physics lab runs startup accelerators all over Europe. But turning...

Technologies emerging from CERN | Globes

(Israel / Hebrew) עתיד מאיץ החלקיקים הגדול בעולם (CERN) נמצא כיום בצומת דרכים, ואירופה צריכה להחליט...

Terabee, modular captors for drones | Les Echos

(France / French) La start-up française a développé sa technologie de capteurs intelligents grâce à...

Radiation Detector Used on Space Station Can Help Sniff Out Forged Paintings |

(English) Technology developed at CERN and flown on the International Space Station is now at work...

These 7 CERN spin-offs show the project isn't just theoretical | Interesting Engineering

(English) These 7 CERN spin-offs show the project isn't just theoretical.

CERN: spécificités du transfert de connaissances et de technologies | Entreprise Romande

(Switzerland / French) CERN: spécificités du transfert de connaissances et de technologies

Le CERN veut faciliter le transfert de technologie | Le Dauphiné Libéré

(France / French) Le CERN veut faciliter le transfert de technologie

Democratising Machine Learning | EasyJet Magazine

(English) Visium helps its clients identify and seize their highest-value opportunities in Machine...